Greenwave Systems
Company Name : Greenwave Systems
AI Category : Machine Learning-Gen
Address : 15420 Laguna Canyon Road, Suite 150, Irvine, CA , USA- 92618
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Our goal is to connect customers seamlessly to any IoT device, anywhere in the world. To achieve this, we partner with 300 of the worlds leading mobile carriers covering 180 countries and territories. We are hundreds of dedicated engineers and experts around the world empowering service providers and IoT stakeholders to develop richer networks, smarter services and connected devices with the AXON Platform.
Our goal is to connect customers seamlessly to any IoT device, anywhere in the world. To achieve this, we partner with 300 of the worlds leading mobile carriers covering 180 countries and territories. We are hundreds of dedicated engineers and experts around the world empowering service providers and IoT stakeholders to develop richer networks, smarter services and connected devices with the AXON Platform.