Company Name : ANOMALI
AI Category : Machine Learning-Gen
Address : 808 Winslow Street, Redwood City, CA , USA- 94063
Phone : 44 8000 148096
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Anomali is the leader in intelligence-driven extended detection and response (XDR) cybersecurity solutions. Anchored by big data management and refined by artificial intelligence, the Anomali XDR platform delivers proprietary capabilities that correlate the largest repository of global intelligence with telemetry from customer-deployed security solutions, empowering security operations teams to detect threats with precision, optimize response, achieve resiliency, and stop attackers and breaches.
Anomali is the leader in intelligence-driven extended detection and response (XDR) cybersecurity solutions. Anchored by big data management and refined by artificial intelligence, the Anomali XDR platform delivers proprietary capabilities that correlate the largest repository of global intelligence with telemetry from customer-deployed security solutions, empowering security operations teams to detect threats with precision, optimize response, achieve resiliency, and stop attackers and breaches.