Company Name : Logpoint
AI Category : Cybersecurity
Address : Bryggervangen 55 4th floor 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Phone : 45 7060 6100
Website : http://www.secbi.com/
Email : info@logpoint.com
Logpoint's core belief lies in creating software that augments security teams to make confident decisions, feel justified in their choices, and be more efficient when protecting their organizations. That principle has earned the trust of more than a thousand organizations worldwide. SIEM+SOAR, UEBA, and our SAP solution is second to none when bolstering security teams in the fight against the ever-evolving threat landscape. We provide a single source of truth that eliminates the mundane, silences the noise, and provides teams with the necessary environment to advance cybersecurity in their organization.
Logpoint’s core belief lies in creating software that augments security teams to make confident decisions, feel justified in their choices, and be more efficient when protecting their organizations. That principle has earned the trust of more than a thousand organizations worldwide. SIEM+SOAR, UEBA, and our SAP solution is second to none when bolstering security teams in the fight against the ever-evolving threat landscape. We provide a single source of truth that eliminates the mundane, silences the noise, and provides teams with the necessary environment to advance cybersecurity in their organization.