Company Name : Aira
AI Category : AI-as-a-Service "Computer Vision"
Address : 3451 Via Montebello, STE 192 PMB 214, Carlsbad, CA, USA- 92009
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AI stands for Artificial Intelligence; RA stands for Remote Assistance. When you put them together you get Aira. Aira is a service that uses artificial intelligence and augmented reality to connect people to highly trained, remotely-located agents. At the touch of a button, Aira delivers instant access to information, enhancing everyday efficiency, engagement, and independence. Whether the user is a person who is blind or low vision, an older adult, or a sighted individual, Aira provides access to information in ways that augment human capabilities like never before.
AI stands for Artificial Intelligence; RA stands for Remote Assistance. When you put them together you get Aira. Aira is a service that uses artificial intelligence and augmented reality to connect people to highly trained, remotely-located agents. At the touch of a button, Aira delivers instant access to information, enhancing everyday efficiency, engagement, and independence. Whether the user is a person who is blind or low vision, an older adult, or a sighted individual, Aira provides access to information in ways that augment human capabilities like never before.