Company Name : BigPanda
AI Category : AI-as-a-Service
Address : 888 Villa Street, Mountain View, CA, USA- 94041
Phone : (650) 434-8011
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BigPanda is the only Event Correlation and Automation platform built for domain-agnostic AIOps. We transform how IT teams prevent outages and resolve incidents by turning data into insights and action. Without BigPanda, IT Ops and DevOps teams struggle with manual and reactive incident response capabilities that are badly suited for the scale, complexity and velocity of modern IT environments. This results in painful outages, unhappy customers, growing IT headcount and the inability to focus on innovation.
BigPanda is the only Event Correlation and Automation platform built for domain-agnostic AIOps. We transform how IT teams prevent outages and resolve incidents by turning data into insights and action. Without BigPanda, IT Ops and DevOps teams struggle with manual and reactive incident response capabilities that are badly suited for the scale, complexity and velocity of modern IT environments. This results in painful outages, unhappy customers, growing IT headcount and the inability to focus on innovation.