Company Name : Chorus

   AI Category : NLP-Gen

    Address : 465 California Street #600, San Francisco, CA, USA- 94104

   Phone : 8669049666

   Website :

   Email : is the No.1 Conversation Intelligence Platform for high-growth sales teams. Founded in 2015, Conversation Intelligence Platform identifies and helps teams replicate the performance of top-performing reps by analyzing their sales meetings. These insights serve as the foundation of an effective coaching strategy for sales and customer success teams and provide insight into the voice-of-the-customer across the entire organization. is the No.1 Conversation Intelligence Platform for high-growth sales teams. Founded in 2015, Conversation Intelligence Platform identifies and helps teams replicate the performance of top-performing reps by analyzing their sales meetings. These insights serve as the foundation of an effective coaching strategy for sales and customer success teams and provide insight into the voice-of-the-customer across the entire organization.