Company Name : Cortica
AI Category : Computer Vision - Gen
Address : Montefiore St 39, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel- 6520109
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Cortica emerged out of a research project at Israels esteemed Technion Institute that led to a series of breakthrough discoveries into how the mammal cortex deciphers visual environments. The three researchers that would become Corticas founders combined their expertise in Neuroscience, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science to hack into live rat brain tissue and encode digital images. Mimicking these natural biological processes is the core of Corticas autonomous AI.
Cortica emerged out of a research project at Israels esteemed Technion Institute that led to a series of breakthrough discoveries into how the mammal cortex deciphers visual environments. The three researchers that would become Corticas founders combined their expertise in Neuroscience, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science to hack into live rat brain tissue and encode digital images. Mimicking these natural biological processes is the core of Corticas autonomous AI.