Company Name : CreditVidya
AI Category : Finance & Insurance
Address : 2nd Floor, Block 2, My Home Hub,Hitech City Road, Hyderabad, Telangana , India- 500 081
Phone : 040-4852 1334
Website :
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CreditVidya is the leading player in the alternative credit scoring space in India. A pioneer in the domain, we are leveraging alternative data, AI and machine learning to facilitate institutional credit for the underserved. Our products are helping a large section of the salaried and self-employed population become visible to lenders, by making it financially viable for banks and NBFC to underwrite customers for much smaller unsecured loans.
CreditVidya is the leading player in the alternative credit scoring space in India. A pioneer in the domain, we are leveraging alternative data, AI and machine learning to facilitate institutional credit for the underserved. Our products are helping a large section of the salaried and self-employed population become visible to lenders, by making it financially viable for banks and NBFC to underwrite customers for much smaller unsecured loans.