Company Name : EAIGLE
AI Category : Computer Vision - Gen
Address : 3600 Steeles Ave East, Markham, ON, Canada- L3R 9Z7
Phone : 1 (866) 832-6350
Website : contact@eaigle.com
Email : contact@eaigle.com
EAIGLE is a human-centric Al company developing enterprise computer vision solutions for the workplace and public spaces to optimize processes, reduce costs and grow revenue. We are changing the way people think about Artificial Intelligence by creating a wide variety of human-centric Al solutions to enhance the performance of humans and enterprises globally.
EAIGLE is a human-centric Al company developing enterprise computer vision solutions for the workplace and public spaces to optimize processes, reduce costs and grow revenue. We are changing the way people think about Artificial Intelligence by creating a wide variety of human-centric Al solutions to enhance the performance of humans and enterprises globally.