Company Name : Hover
AI Category : AI-as-a-Service
Address : 225 Bush St, 7th Floor, San Francisco, CA, USA- 94104
Website : https://hover.to/
Email : support@hover.to
Powered by deep learning and computer vision, HOVER transforms smartphone photos of any property into an accurate, interactive 3D model, giving homeowners the power to unlock the true potential of their largest economic asset. With HOVER, homeowners and contractors can receive exact measurements, design their home with different products and colors, and purchase materials directly through the app.
Powered by deep learning and computer vision, HOVER transforms smartphone photos of any property into an accurate, interactive 3D model, giving homeowners the power to unlock the true potential of their largest economic asset. With HOVER, homeowners and contractors can receive exact measurements, design their home with different products and colors, and purchase materials directly through the app.