Company Name : Osaro
AI Category : AI-as-a-Service "deep learning"
Address : 500 Third Street, San Francisco, CA, USA- 94107
Website : https://osaro.com/
Email : info@osaro.com
OSARO delivers best-in-class robotic piece-picking solutions for e-commerce where key challenges include high SKU inventories, complex packaging, and fragile items. In the rapidly evolving world of logistics technology, OSARO offers smarter automation, low-risk business plans, and its signature Hypercare support from exploration to installation. OSARO intelligent robots enable goods-to-robot (G2R) use cases, where the greatest gains are yet to be made on the automated warehouse floor. Its AI-driven, machine-learning vision and control software provides the foundation for all its products.
OSARO delivers best-in-class robotic piece-picking solutions for e-commerce where key challenges include high SKU inventories, complex packaging, and fragile items. In the rapidly evolving world of logistics technology, OSARO offers smarter automation, low-risk business plans, and its signature Hypercare support from exploration to installation. OSARO intelligent robots enable goods-to-robot (G2R) use cases, where the greatest gains are yet to be made on the automated warehouse floor. Its AI-driven, machine-learning vision and control software provides the foundation for all its products.